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Draya Love Blog

Nov 27, 20181 min read
The best of times, the worst of times.
Living at one of the best and worst times in history is so freaking exciting. Surface level. For most people here. It feels shitty. but...
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Nov 22, 20181 min read
Being okay, not being okay.
This thanksgiving. by choice. hanging out with myself. much changed for me this year. chaos . deep sadness . pain processing . release ....
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Nov 21, 20181 min read
getting off meds.
beyond overdue all that crap I let the doctors put me on. my system was so overwhelmed. processing through all that synthetic stuff in my...
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Nov 21, 20181 min read
... could you be causing your health problems...
could the anger and bitterness in your soul that could it be causing your health issues... harboring any old in your heart will always...
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Nov 13, 20181 min read
she's got a rock for that...
so i'm kinda known as the rock or bead person. My nephew told my sister that whenever he has an issue, his auntie has a rock for that!!!...
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Nov 13, 20181 min read
My religious beliefs...
Christian/ Catholic upbringing. at least in school. family didn’t attend church though. Went to catholic, all girls HS. Married catholic...
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Nov 13, 20181 min read
the personality of flowers.
The first time I actually heard/ felt the personality of a flower was at the Mendocino coast Botanical Gardens… don't judge. I walked...
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Nov 12, 20181 min read
reincarnation. it just is.
One thing we must do in the Western world is get over our disbelief of reincarnation. It is something I truly struggled with believing...
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Nov 12, 20181 min read
Down the rabbit hole...
I pretty much live down the rabbit hole. Things got crazy a few years ago… couldn’t talk about what I knew anymore.. people couldn't ...
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Nov 12, 20181 min read
Ignoring your lessons...?
Could your life be trying to teach you something? Say something to you… ? Invisible language. lots happening there. Read what it is your...
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Nov 11, 20181 min read
My happy face story.
This one is pretty wild. you will never hear another like it. Was driving one day with my X fiancé’s daughter. We had such a good day, we...
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Nov 11, 20181 min read
Discussing this concept of pain, stuffing and disease.
Let’s talk about this concept of pain, stuffing and disease. What . we . stuff . will . always . manifest . in . our . body . The storage...
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Nov 11, 20181 min read
finally settling into myself.
finally beginning to feel like myself… settling . into . someone . who . I . feel . comfortable . wearing . My outside is representing...
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Nov 10, 20181 min read
my nightly medicine from the beach.
I used to get my “medicine” in the form of a pill. from a pharmacy. Now. my medicine. it’s free. So here I am at the beach walking...
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Nov 9, 20181 min read
My journal revelations. my thought & behavior patterns.
I’ve always wanted to journal. The idea resonated with me but I didn’t do it. In the last three years.. as it became time to reveal what...
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Nov 9, 20181 min read
Is it really hard for you to exist in this world... ?
For me. It was... The world isn’t going to make you strong. So I made myself strong. Yup. getting my heart right. priority. each of our...
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Nov 9, 20181 min read
Are you afraid?...
I love not being afraid of who I am anymore. No matter who it may frighten away. My purpose is emerging forth…
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Nov 9, 20181 min read
I’m so sad for who I used to be.
I look back on pictures of myself over the years of my marriage… I am so sad for her. She was so lost. wasn’t even present. Sometimes I...
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Nov 9, 20181 min read
trying to find a partner when our own life isn’t straight?...
trying to get into a relationship?... made sense of the details of your life yet? .... it feel so backwards... Looking for someone else...
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Nov 8, 20181 min read
How I came to know Grace...
I frequently do things for unknown reasons... I just get led and I find out why later.. For me, that’s how spirit works in my life… One...
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