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On illusion and manifestation

Draya Love & Hulu Amen Ra

On giving myself reality checks daily

on intertwining energy with people…

the roles we are playing with each other

viewing each other in these roles

The illusions we sell ourselves

on love and expectations 

knowing what we deserve and what we want

on being clear in communicating with people

are we really expressing ourselves…..

paying attention. reading the room.

what we are about.

having spirit playing with me.

the type of people we are attracting.

being selective.

with who i let in on my vibe.

playing with the universe as I manifest.

analyzing the illusion we are a part of

what is our part

where are we going to put the focus…

on being good by ourselves.

and letting go of all notions.

and checking yourselves...

and discern why people are in our lives…

on manifesting with the family on the last full moon of the decade on the 12.12 portal. 

the fire, release and intention setting with them all.

How nice it was...

Working with nature, energy, flow 

manifesting with people I love.

2020 manifesting so quickly.

watch your vibe.

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